Time to plant the garden!

This past weekend the ground finally dried out enough to get the garden in!

So, Farmer Jake and I grabbed the gardening tools out of the shed and got to work!

While Farmer Jake dug up the garden plot, I got to work on some of the flower pots!

The ground was definitely clumpy from all of the rain we have gotten this month!

We decided to put the garden right in front of the house this year.

“With the garden there, you’ll be able to see every weed!”

…We’ve heard this a few times since we decided where we were going to put the garden…

Our response?

That’s the point!!! We are going to walk by the garden EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Yes, we will see the weeds. But this way we can’t ignore the weeds!!! If we are walking by the garden and see a weed – we pull it right away!

And of course Beau was right there to supervise the planting and placement of the garden!!!

This years garden has: tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, lettuce, beans, and carrots.

We still have cucumbers and zucchini left to plant… so hopefully in the next blog post we have an update on that!

Until next time!

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